Now, though, we're seeing a much greater diversity of characters and viewpoints. "You can't write a history of the genre without acknowledging that it has been disproportionately white, rich, thin and straight," Meslow says. "It's also skewed towards fairly conservative relationship norms, but that is where streaming platforms can also take some credit now, because they tend to take more chances." The new wave of romcoms have the opportunity to expand the plotlines we're accustomed to seeing in glossy mainstream films. In fact, one of the main criticisms of Eichner's gay romcom Bros – which, perhaps not unrelatedly, was initially released in theatres rather than streaming – was that it didn't experiment enough. "Rather than reinvent the genre around a different set of mores, it simply replaces the 'marriage plot' with the 'monogamy plot', down to our former free-agent hero being harangued by his new beau about kids," wrote Matt Brennan in the LA Times.